On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 1:09 AM, Joe Watkins <pthre...@pthreads.org> wrote:
> Morning internals,
>     The expectations RFC is now in voting phase:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/expectations#vote

I totally miss the Expectation RFC announcement. Where the RFC was
actually proposed for discussions.

I have been following up the DbC thread, seeing some mentions but
that's it. The RFC itself popped up 3 days ago.

Also the RFC itself only point to various discussions, there is no
summary, details, docs, examples, etc in the RFC.

I am sorry but as much I like (for what I think it does) as I like the
concept, this RFC does not have, by far, the quality I would expect
for a RFC being voted on.


@pierrejoye | http://www.libgd.org

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