Yasuo Ohgaki in php.internals (Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:18:59 +0900):
>> If you already have this feature, then you are promoting the RFC the
>> wrong way. You are constantly hammering on ini_set() to mitigate the
>> effects of the change. That would cause a lot of code changes for many
>> frameworks.
>Yes we have. It's more than a decade.
>> With .htaccess this is a lot easier.
>> php_value "zend.script_extensions" ".php .install .module .test .inc \
>>         .engine .profile"
>> in the root .htaccess of a Drupal installation would be all there is
>> needed to fix Drupal. Maybe I am missing some extension, but it will be
>> easy to add that one as well. No code change needed, so the BC break is
>> much less severe.
>If Drupal folks prefer this method, they may use it.
>I suggest to use filename extensions as few as possible.
>The default is preferred.

Sorry to say it, but you are digging the grave of your own RFC by the
way you promote it.

Quote from the RFC:
|This RFC breaks too many applications
|This can be fixed by one liner. 
|ini_set('zend.script_extensions', '.php .phtml .inc .module .etc');

Every developer instantly thinks "A one line change in tons of PHP
scripts? No way." A much better promotion would be:

|This RFC breaks too many applications
|This can be fixed by one line in one file (.htaccess, httpd.conf)
|php_value "zend.script_extensions" ".php .phtml .inc .module .etc"

This is only a minor detail, compared with the other PHP7 changes.


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