On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Bob Weinand <bobw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Am 14.03.2015 um 10:21 schrieb Pavel Kouřil <pajou...@gmail.com>:
>> On Saturday, March 14, 2015, Levi Morrison <le...@php.net> wrote:
>>> RFC Link: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/reserve_more_types_in_php_7
>>> The proposal has changed from the original. It no longer reserves the
>>> aliases out of the interest of reserving the smallest useful,
>>> uncontroversial subset. Some people want to remove aliases for these
>>> types so in the interest of being as uncontroversial as possible I am
>>> no longer proposing to remove them.
>>> This will go into voting on March 15th unless something comes up
>>> between now and then to persuade me otherwise.
>>> --
>>> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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>> Hello,
>> why do you consider a "true" and "false" as a type? It's not a type. it's a
>> value?
>> Regards
>> Pavel Kouril
> These aren't types. But useful for e.g. union types (int|false). [By the way 
> they're internally handled as different types… but that's an implementation 
> detail…]
> Also, he doesn't call them anywhere types, it's just the title.
> Bob


a union type would be an union of types - so it should be int|bool,
shouldn't it? (Also, I don't personally like the idea of union types
in general, but it's not relevant to the current RFC, so I won't
comment more on that issue.)

Still, maybe the title of the RFC should change to "Reserve More
Keywords in PHP 7", so it's not misleading?

PS: Thanks for the info about internal stuff, didn't know about that. :)

Pavel Kouril

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