Am 15.03.2015 um 11:02 schrieb Crypto Compress:
>> I think I now get the misunderstanding I had on your destructor question
> Sorry for confusion. My points are agnostic about implementation details
> and concrete code. It's up to ppl to use this feature as they like.

Okay get your point, but as already discussed several times, the rfc
should not be declined for the reason a ppl, who doesn't understand when
to use static context or when not to use at all, can do crucial things.
Because he although can do without the static constructor.

For a horiffic example:

class Example {

     private static $handler;

     public function open() {
         self::$handler = fopen('example.txt');




Indeed I have the opinion some beginner who is doing such horiffic code
maybe think more about what he is doing and especially about the side
effects inside a so called "magic" method, then outside.

> - first point is a logical conclusion: If there is a cctor, there should
> be a cdtor.

Okay the logical conclusion I can take in count. But doing 15 years of
OOP-programming now, I never had the need to have a cdtor, for a "valid"
usage of static context. And still after I have seen your examples,
which should all be done, as I explained, with instances instead of
direct static binding, I don't see the use case for a cdtor.

> - second point is about implicit order: Shutdown process will free in
> reversed creation order. Classes don't have guaranteed creation order.

But I hope shutdown process of PHP is as intelligent not do unload a
class which is needed in another class before this class?!


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