Hi Nikita,

On 15/03/2015 16:46, Nikita Popov wrote:
Hi internals!

To ensure we have no shortage of new RFC votes...


Voting is open for ten days :)

I know I'm late, but with I just have found the required time to test the branch with my own legacy app.

The result of the test suite run is pretty bad because of the new warnings. More than half of the tests fail with a message similar to:


Now, some of them would be fairly easy to fix. But, once again the problem lies in the bundled PEAR libs.

For example the raiseError() method has been redefined all over the place with a custom signature. Fixing is certainly possible, but fixing will require a fairly big refactoring.

In PHP4 times it was in fact quite common to change inherited method signatures to bend them to one's will and/or remove parameters and hardcode them in the parent constructor call. We now know it is bad practice, but I bet there's lot of code using these practices in controlled situations.

I'm going to attempt fixing the app code (including the bundled pear libs) and report back.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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