Hi Matteo,

On 16.03.15 12:43, Matteo Beccati wrote:
> On 15/03/2015 19:30, Matteo Beccati wrote:
>> In PHP4 times it was in fact quite common to change inherited method
>> signatures to bend them to one's will and/or remove parameters and
>> hardcode them in the parent constructor call. We now know it is bad
>> practice, but I bet there's lot of code using these practices in
>> controlled situations.
>> I'm going to attempt fixing the app code (including the bundled pear
>> libs) and report back.
> So... I've spent a few hours on the cleanup and I'm still far from
> getting a green build.
> As you mentioned in the RFC, turning E_STRICT into E_WARNING is going to
> be a BC-break for someone, and fixing this one in particular requires
> far more effort than a simple search/replace.

am I correct assuming that your existing test suite was running with
E_STRICT excluded from error_reporting ?

thank you,
- Markus

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