2015-03-15 21:13 GMT+01:00 Damien Tournoud <d...@damz.org>:

> Hi Daniel,
> Would you mind clarifying the relationship between the "Generator
> Delegation" RFC and the "Generator Return Expressions" RFC?
> While I really appreciate the "Generator Delegation" RFC, the "Generator
> Return Expressions" looks both unnecessary and kind of a hack to me. In
> evented system based on coroutine/generators (for example Python
> greenlet/gevent) the ability to "return a value" is handled higher up than
> the generator/coroutine itself, which has other advantages (like the
> ability to yield until the value is available, instead of simply throwing,
> etc...). Essentially, "returning a value" is an abstraction of the
> cooperative framework (usually an event loop), not of the generator itself.

I already wanted to ask why you voted no on return expressions. The reason
for having delegation dependent on return expression is that coroutines can
have a result that should be available just like any other function.

$result = yield from coroutine();

Without return expressions, there would be no way to access the result of a

The relevant section in the RFC should be the following:

I hope that clarifies it, if not, please ask again.

Regards, Niklas

> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Daniel Lowrey <rdlow...@php.net> wrote:
> > Hi folks!
> >
> > As the discussion period has reached its conclusion I'd like to announce
> a
> > two week voting period on the Generator Delegation RFC here:
> >
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/generator-delegation
> >
> > Voting ends Sunday, March 29.
> >
> > I know everyone is busy and your time is valuable; thanks for spending a
> > few minutes to review the proposal. If you have any questions please
> don't
> > hesitate to ask.
> >
> > -Daniel
> >

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