Hi Trevor,

Am 01.04.2015 um 22:19 schrieb Trevor Suarez:
> Author of PR https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1145 here.
> I'm really quite sorry. I didn't mean to create a mess here. I was just
> trying to contribute. :/

I am sorry I caused this mess by using your PR (or better: the
acceptance of it without noticing the internals thread regarding it) as
an example. I hope this does not prevent you from contributing in the

> Unfortunately, whether or not an RFC was necessary for an addition like
> this wasn't very clear. I'm an internals noob, so I simply tried to follow
> the flow of the addition of the similar method
> `DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable()` that was added, without RFC
> (correct me if I'm wrong), in 5.6.0:
> http://php.net/manual/en/datetimeimmutable.createfrommutable.php

I think DateTimeInterface and DateTimeImmutable where added in 5.6, but
I don't know if there was some RFC for that, I did not follow the
internals list back then.

> Unfortunately, I'm not a huge fan of Derick's `createFromMutable()` method
> (why isn't there just a `createFromInstance()` or `copy()` method of some
> sort), but I tried to best follow the current design with my proposal and
> pull request.

I would really like you to create an RFC that uses a single method in
the DateTimeInterface for this kind of cloning.


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