
Time goes by fast - no sooner 7.0 was unleashed on the world than 7.1 bangs
at the door.  I would like to bring a couple of points regarding this.

There is enough time yet, but it would make full sense all the RFC authors
targeting 7.1 to finalize the work and get the RFC voted. Or the RFCs, that
have not been discussed yet - still some time is there to go through the
full RFC process and get them ready for 7.1. It is anyway the right moment
to intensify the discussions and work on 7.1 features and patches.

It looks also like the right time to elect the 7.1 RMs. Please everyone
interested to run for 7.1 RMs announce your candidacy to this thread. I
would suggest to start the poll on this two weeks after this message, with
the two weeks vote period.

The prerelease cycle start could then happen already in June (or July,
depends whether one wants to wait till 5.5 EOL). Anyway, having the new RMs
team we can start to plan and proceed with the 7.1 prerelease cycle. 



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