On 25/04/2016 19:07, S.A.N wrote:
I am not against third-party libraries, I want to have this
functionality out of the box, it seems to me correct to make these
functions in OPCache, instead of adding  Apcu to PHP core, IMHO...

Literally the only difference between including APCu in core and adding this to OpCache is the name of the resulting functions. The result either way is that you would have the functionality out of the box, and the PHP core devs would need to maintain it.

Meanwhile, you haven't addressed the point being made as a reason not to bundle, which is that this is not a universally-useful solution, and there needs to be some reason why this needs to be incorporated - under whatever name - any more urgently than a memcache driver, or a redis driver, or igbinary serialisation, or any one of dozens of other extensions.


Rowan Collins

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