On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 7:33 AM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
> hi Levi,
> It looks like your "work" on "Nullable Types" RFC was intended to win time 
> for this patch and block "Nullable Types" again.
> Actually, you have been blocking it for more than a year :(
> I'm going to push my own RFC for voting together with "Union Types".
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/nullable_return_types
> At least, it has up to date implementation.
> We discussed this internally 2-3 weeks ago, and my politeness (or/and 
> stupidity) allowed you  to pass your version for common discussion.
> Now I can see your real reason :(
> Both "Union Types" and "Nullable Types" may make sense, and both should be 
> voted at the same time.
> Tomorrow is time to start voting. Right?
> Thanks. Dmitry.


I agree that union types and nullable types should be voted at the
same time. Union types is a large RFC and didn't have an
implementation until now. I think it is important that we have an
implementation to experiment wotj. I hope you can see how having an
implementation to experiment with is essential for both RFCs.

Please do not move any type related RFCs to voting; I am not
attempting to sabatoge nullable types. Please do not make such

Levi Morrison

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