Afternoon Dmitry,

    I started the implementation of this because unions and nullables
appears to be in my way (typed properties).

    At no point did Levi request an implementation. I decided, selfishly,
to provide one because it's in my way, and we've been waiting so long

    There is no conspiracy.

    I would actually like it if nullable types came first, I would have
preferred not to have my work on typed properties stopped also.

    We don't always get what we want :)


On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 2:33 PM, Dmitry Stogov <> wrote:

> hi Levi,
> It looks like your "work" on "Nullable Types" RFC was intended to win time
> for this patch and block "Nullable Types" again.
> Actually, you have been blocking it for more than a year :(
> I'm going to push my own RFC for voting together with "Union Types".
> At least, it has up to date implementation.
> We discussed this internally 2-3 weeks ago, and my politeness (or/and
> stupidity) allowed you  to pass your version for common discussion.
> Now I can see your real reason :(
> Both "Union Types" and "Nullable Types" may make sense, and both should be
> voted at the same time.
> Tomorrow is time to start voting. Right?
> Thanks. Dmitry.
> ________________________________________
> From: Levi Morrison <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 02:37
> To: internals
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Patch for Union and Intersection Types
> Internals,
> Joe Watkins and Bob Weinand have worked out a [proof-of-concept patch
> for union types][1]. Please go download it and experiment with it.
> A few things to note:
>   * This patch includes intersection types. However, a type expression
> must be either a union type or an intersection type; it doesn't
> support both such as `Array | (Countable & Traversable)`.
>   * This patch adds `null`, `true` and `false` for type declarations.
>   * This patch includes conversion rules for weak types.
>   * It does not have short-hand for unions with null (`?Foo` being `Foo |
> Null`)
> These features (or omitted ones) are not necessarily what will be
> voted on. Rather this patch allows us to experiment with these
> features in code. This experience should be helpful for us to solidify
> how we actually feel about these features.
> I especially would like people to try out the conversion rules for
> scalar types as it has been a point of discussion.
>   [1]:
> --
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