Hi Joe,

On 16/06/2016 05:40, Joe Watkins wrote:
   > Please don't let's make it harder to go from 7.0 to 7.1 than it was
from 5.6 to 7.0.

   Can we reduce hyperbole to nil, please.

Sorry, yes, that was a bit hyperbolic on my part. I do think there is the risk of making 7.0 to 7.1 as awkward an upgrade as 5.3 to 5.4, though.

The main problem I've encountered in 5.4 is the removal of the already-deprecated call-time pass-by-reference, because it is an invasive change that can't be worked around: you can't even test what other impact the upgrade had until you've fixed it.

And at least that one could be detected with static code analysis; I'm not even sure how to know if a code base would be affected by too_few_args.

   Before work starts on PHP 8, we need to have something worth
branching, just as we needed for 7, and 6.

Again, this idea of a minimum requirement for PHP 8. I still haven't seen anyone explain exactly what this means. If we have a bunch of breaking changes, and those breaking changes are justified, then we can justify a major release.

The majority have decided that the *extremely minor* BC break is worth the 

Absolutely, a majority of voters have indicated that, while a minority indicated they would support it in an 8.0 release. There's no reason we have to accept "good enough" if we can agree a plan that is even better.

One thing I haven't seen stated very clearly is why there is a rush to get this feature into a live release right now, with 7.1 already in alpha. Is the plan to release major performance changes in 7.1.x? Wouldn't most of those have to wait for 7.2.x anyway?

Rowan Collins

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