On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 8:06 AM, Michael Vostrikov <
michael.vostri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No! You don't understand what I'm trying to explain.

We understand, that's why we're discussing so much against it.

> This feature will be
> useful for ALL applications without template engine - frameworks, CMS,
> custom core.

Not really. What you propose is `Foo::escape()` (static), as a language
This is a problem, as it makes the escaping statically bound to a
configured endpoint, and that endpoint may even change (what the heck?!)
Templating engines can instead switch the escaping per-template-file, which
is much more powerful, as the assumption of context may change.

This is the same as calling constructor manually after every 'new'
> statement: (new User)->__construct(...), (new Profile)->__construct(...).

If any templating engine does that, I'd suggest opening an issue on their
issue tracker to make their implementation non-static instead.

Anyway, I saw that voting is open, and already voted "No" on it for the
reasons mentioned above, and because I don't believe in adding more custom
AST for something that is already working very well in userland via

Users that don't escape their output usually do so because they lived under
a rock, and they'll continue to do so regardless.
Users that know how and when to escape are already using appropriate
functions for that.

The proposed solution is a solution, but not for this problem, in my


Marco Pivetta



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