"Yasuo Ohgaki" wrote in message news:caga2bxzjgggpjsvxqmdjmqvnptbucahazbwjrtbipsb-boh...@mail.gmail.com...

Hi Tony,

Allow me to top post.

"The input validation" is not for legitimate users, but for attackers.
You shouldn't help attackers by explaining what/how wrong in attackers' inputs.

If your RFC is about preventing attacks then it should be labelled as such. Input validation is a totally separate issue.

Tony Marston

I've added discussion "Input validation and User input mistake
handling difference"

Please refer to the section for distinction.

BTW, the input validation that I'm proposing here is
required/recommended feature by ISO 27000/ISMS. Why shouldn't PHP
provide features that is needed to implement ISO 27000/ISMS

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 8:00 PM, Tony Marston <tonymars...@hotmail.com> wrote:
"Dan Ackroyd"  wrote in message

Hi Yasuo,

On 15 August 2016 at 01:53, Yasuo Ohgaki <yohg...@ohgaki.net> wrote:

One more usual request.
Please describe reason(s) why you object proposal.

I'm not entirely sure why you ask for reasons when people vote no. The
reasons are almost always the same as the reasons given before the
voting starts.

But for posterity:

i) Validation error messages need to specify what is wrong.....which
is bespoke to the application. Which is a reason why validation code
belongs in userland.

I agree 100%

ii) Validation error message need to be in the correct language for an
application. It is not a good approach for people to be trying to
match strings emitted by internal code and trying to convert them to
the correct language.

I agree 100%

iii) The argument that it needs to be fast could be applied to
anything and everything, and so is bogus. The RFC doesn't even show
that userland implementations are slow enought to be a concern.

iv) The RFC makes an assumption that programs should exit when validation

"Input data validation should accept only valid and possible inputs.
If not, reject it and terminate program."

I DISagree 100%. Validation errors should NEVER terminate the program, they
should continue by displaying all the error messages to the user so that
he/she can correct his/her mistake and try the operation again.

and the code example:

catch (FilterValidateException $e) {
   die('Invalid input detected!'); // Should terminate execution when
input validation fails

This assumption is bogus.

Any program that accepts data from users should provide useful error
messages when the data is wrong with someting as simple as a string
being too long.

I agree 100%

v) I don't like the current filter functions, and recommend people
avoid using them. Adding to them with an even harder to use API is the
wrong way to go.

I agree 100%

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