On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 3:06 AM, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> On 12/09/16 20:31, Christoph M. Becker wrote:
>> On 11.09.2016 at 12:35, Lester Caine wrote:
>>> On 11/09/16 11:05, Christoph M. Becker wrote:
>>> I have already debugged the problems and will tidy up the notes later
>>> when I cross check things. This is the sort of support I've always
>>> provided to the PHP project. The pages relating to the compile process
>>> on the php wiki need bringing up to date but I don't think I have access
>>> to do that with my wiki login. One key element which a newcomer may miss
>>> is the 'command prompt' needs to be the special command prompt VS15
>>> generates rather than 'just a command prompt'.
>> Hm, the Wiki page states:
>> | If compiling PHP 7.0+ open either the “VS2015 x64 Native Tools
>> | Command Prompt” or the “VS2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt”.
> As it's a couple of levels deep the prompt in my crib sheet was to how
> to find them, but a little explanation on why you need to use a special
> command line prompt for people who ARE coming from a click and go
> environment will be helpful.

Simply because php does not generate solution project files. It is
nearly impossible to support all version, while recent VS tends to
change less from one version to another.

>>>> The licensing of Visual Studio doesn't appear to be a PHP issue.
>>> Only if the 'official' installation path requires use of software that
>>> has restricted licensing. While there are binary builds for windows
>>> there is not a problem, but if a replacement pecl path required the use
>>> of Microsoft tools the licensing does become a problem.
>> I don't see why a replacement for pecl would have other licensing issues
>> as pecl.
> It's the same problem as has always existed with the free tools only
> being licensed for non-commercial use. As long as binary files are
> available there is not a problem, but the fine detail of licences seems
> to change with every new release?

This statement is wrong. Please check the VS/VC license, the free one.
Commercial usage is just fine.

Also a large majority of users do not need it, neither they need
gcc/icc as they will simply used the respective binaries.

That being said, on windows we do provide PGO builds, which bring a
significant performance gain. It is possible to do it yourself too but
I am not sure why one would go through that :)

>>>> Support for other toolchains may be added; patches are welcome! :-)
>>> Again something I have tried to maintain in the past, but the volume of
>>> work on the TODO list is delaying bringing many of the old crib sheets
>>> up to date.
>> I guess, we all have more on our TODO list than we can actually manage. :-)
> I seem to be making some progress finally on starting switching
> production machines to PHP7.


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