On 9/15/2016 5:20 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

On 9/15/16 11:48 AM, Scott Arciszewski wrote:
Would the Internals team be open to discussing mitigating HashDoS in a
future version of PHP? i.e. everywhere, even for json_decode() and friends,
by fixing the problem rather than capping the maximum number of input
parameters and hoping it's good enough.

I'd propose SipHash (and/or a derivative): https://www.131002.net/siphash/

I am worries about performance. Base hash structure has to be *very*
fast. I have doubts that cryptographic function can perform at these
levels. Did you test what is performance of this function compared to
existing hash function?

If anyone wants a VERY rough estimate of relative performance degradation as a result of switching to SipHash, here's a somewhat naive C++ implementation of a similar data structure to that found in PHP:


(See the "Hash performance benchmark" results at the above link.)

In short, there's a significant degradation just switching from djb2 to SipHash depending on key type. A similar effect would probably be seen in PHP.

Randomizing the starting hash value for djb2 during the core startup sequence *could* also be effective for mitigating HashDoS. Extensive testing would have to be done to determine how collision performance plays out with randomized starting hash values. I can't find any arguments anywhere against using randomized starting hash values for djb2. Also of note, the 33 multiplier seems more critical than anything else for mixing bits together.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President

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