> I thought about this too. I hope you understood that the main reasoning
> for me to choose a well known namespace prefix is related to
> auto-loading and when to trigger it. The lack of function and constant
> auto-loading is a pain and having well known prefixes could solve the
> issue since we would never require to even look at the auto-loader if
> the namespace starts with php.
> Obviously this could be solved for C extensions by allowing them to
> register another prefix that should not be auto-loaded: Sodium, MongoDB,
> ...
> Another solution could be to use pecl as their prefix. Although this
> couples it to the packaging system which might not be so nice.
> Any name that is tied to a company name or something else that makes
> things impossible for users to claim (Oracle, MongoDB, ...) is not a
> problem. In case of sodium that would probably be Paragon but Sodium
> might be fine too.
> I am not the judge here, the only thing I want is to ensure that this
> does not go unseen and that the potential of breaking something is real
> if we choose a random route like some others do. Not saying that we
> cannot do it, big ecosystems live without problems doing the same.
> However, it should be a very conscious choice and none that is taken
> lightly: meaning rules!

I don't see this as a potential problem. Autoloadeds are (1) not triggered
for already loaded symbols and (2) and more importantly, autoloaders
usually use a list of prefixes to load, so a whitelist, not a blacklist.

Regards, Niklas

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