On Mon, 6 Feb 2017, Nikita Popov wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 6:21 PM, Fleshgrinder <p...@fleshgrinder.com> wrote:
> > First: I like namespaces in Core but here me out!


> I'm strongly against use of the PHP namespace as a blanket namespace for
> bundled PHP extensions. The PHP namespace should be used only for
> functionality that is actually in some way related to PHP. For example, the
> php-ast extension could reasonably be namespaced as php\ast, as it provides
> an AST for PHP specifically. Similarly the tokenizer extension could
> reasonably be namespaced as php\tokenizer.
> Extensions which are not of this type should not live in the PHP namespace,
> because they don't have anything specifically to do with php, apart from
> the circumstance that they happen to be bundled at the current point in
> time. Remember that extension may move from being bundled to being in PECL
> and vice versa. If we decide to bundle the MongoDB extension with php,
> would we rename the currently used MongoDB namespace to PHP\MongoDB? If we
> decided to move it back to PECL, would the namespace go back to just
> MongoDB? Or would it stay PHP\MongoDB, despite not being part of PHP
> anymore? Should all new extensions be written with a PHP namespace to
> account for the possibility of the extension being bundled with PHP at a
> later point in time (even if there are no concrete plans to do so)?
> I would answer No to these questions. The namespace MongoDB is not, as you
> say, "random", it is *meaningful*. The namespace PHP is (with the
> exceptions in the first paragraph notwithstanding) meaningless and an
> artifact of the distribution mechanism, a mechanism which may change over
> time.

I very much agree with all of this, and would like to add, that for a 
*long* time it has been documented that PHP owns the top-level 

In any case, a discussion to namespace any existing PHP functionality 
should really wait until PHP 8 - and that means, that if we decide to 
put Sodium in PHP 7.x, it should not be namespaced out of consistenct 
*no matter what the RFC result* says.


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