> >       But the RFC is what you wrote about some days ago. Anything I told
> is
> > based on the RFC and the previous conversations. My understanding was,
> that
> > you were intended to push the exact RFC to vote. If you tell now there's
> no
> > approach and the RFC has to be ignored, then it doesn't help. If there's
> another
> > approach, so please present it.
> >
> >
> > Nobody wants to backport OpenSSL's implementation, so I don't see the
> viability
> > of supporting `auth_level`.
> >
> > I've outlined my current suggestion several mails ago:
> >
> > -----
> > I think the best approach for now would be that:
> >
> > Add two new context options for the "ssl" wrapper:
> > "insecure_allow_md5_signature" and "insecure_allow_sha1_signature". They
> > will both default to false starting in PHP 7.2 while the backports to
> PHP 7.1 and
> > 7.0 will default to true. Additionally there will be two INI options
> which are only
> > added to PHP 7.1 and 7.0 to allow people to immediately upgrade to secure
> > defaults without any risk of breaking other apps.
> > -----
> Ok, so that's where the cat catches its tail. If there are both INI and
> wrapper options, doing the same, it were excessive. Say, if the context
> option has to be integrated anyway, why INI? Otherwise, if INI is supposed
> to provide same separately, without touching the code - why bother with
> stream context? Or in further, if the INI is supposed to be ignored in 7.2,
> then the code still has to be changed. The more complicated, the more
> inconsistent.

If we choose to block SHA1 and MD5 certificates by default in 7.0 / 7.1,
then we don't need the INI option. But if you decide it's not acceptable as
an important security fix, then I definitely want a way to secure all
applications at once with a configuration change instead of having to
change each and every application to set a default stream context option.

Regards, Niklas

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