Le 15/08/2017 à 12:52, Rasmus Schultz a écrit :
> I am starting to wonder why GD is the default in PHP?

Don't really know, perhaps because the first one ?

But we have various alternatives:
- imagick
- gmagick
- vips
(perhaps others)

And ImageMagick is really an ugly upstream

- most common commit message is "..." [1]

- unstable API
(imagick extension even check that build version === runtime versions)

- soname bump in patch version (yes, really, when 4th digit change)

- lack of CI
(else I don't understand how they can release with broken tests [2])

And about extensions:

- imagick conflicts with gmagick (as GraphicMagick is a fork of
ImageMagick, you cannot load both in the same process), so having
imagick the default one will kill gmagick.

[1] https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/commits/master

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