On 30/10/2017 03:14, Dan Ackroyd wrote:
The vote for this should have ended......3 days ago.

At which point I believe the vote was actually passing.

Hm, that's awkward!

For the record:

- voting was announced on the evening of the 9th "for two weeks" which would imply the evening of the 23rd - however, the e-mail also said "Vote will end on Wednesday the 25th of October. "
- the wiki page states "Vote closing on Oct 27, 2017."
- https://php-rfc-watch.beberlei.de/ lists "daverandom" voting No at 2017-10-28T07:28:00+0000 (*mutters something about relative date display being uselessly vague*)

It's possible that daverandom was several hours west of Greenwich at the time (e.g. in North America), where it was still late on October 27th. So taking the latest of the three published closing dates, and applying the most generous time zone, it's possible that all the votes were valid.

It's certainly clear that no *new* votes should be counted.

The last vote before that according to the rfc-watch tool was "salathe" on the 21st, so if daverandom's vote is *not* valid, the RFC passes 7:6; however, if daverandom's vote *is* valid, we have 7:7, and the RFC is declined.

In my opinion, the very fact that it was this close suggests that there is not consensus in favour of the change, and therefore it would be reasonable to err on the side of caution, and not adopt the change.


Rowan Collins

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