wrote in message news:f48976dd-589f-e88e-37ba-38096c3a3...@rhsoft.net...

Am 29.12.2017 um 09:04 schrieb Tony Marston:
wrote in message news:4b55eed1-8656-ff70-e4e9-ad5e40213...@rhsoft.net...

Am 29.12.2017 um 00:21 schrieb Larry Garfield:
Correct. Union types I've always seen presented as offering both union and intersection. There are cases where union is great, and where it's kinda silly. There are cases where intersect is great, and where it's kinda silly.

Most of the anti- arguments I've seen for "union types" have fixated on "int && string is meaningless, and Foo || Bar is bad design, so union types are bad!" Entirely ignoring the flip side, which is int || string (valid use cases) and
Foo && Bar (many many valid use cases)

well, that explains why the same person which hase a usecase for a "scalar" pseudo-type donw-votes https://wiki.php.net/rfc/union_types but it makes his vote not logical at all

frankly the only valid reasons to down-vote something should be technical ones which matters for the PHP core itself and not "i don't understand a feature hence nobody should have it"

You are missing the point. If an RFC is so badly written that someone does not understand it, or understand what benefits it is supposed to provide, then there is no point in up-voting it

if i don't undrstand it i don't vote at all - that's the point

not up
not down

If you can't understand it then you cannot tell what benefit it gives to the greater PHP community, and if you cannot see that it provides any benefit then you should vote it DOWN. Common sense should dictate that you only vote it UP when you are convinced that it will provide something of benefit. If you don't vote at all you are admitting that you are clueless, or don't care, in which case you are not preventing a bad idea from being accepted. If it later turns out that it was a crock of sh*t then you will be partly to blame because you didn't have the intelligence to see it as such and didn't speak up. If you don't understand an RFC then not only do you not understand the benefits that it can provide, you also don't understand the damage that it can cause.

Tony Marston

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