> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Ehrhardt [mailto:php...@ehrhardt.nl]
> Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018 4:20 PM
> To: internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: PHP 7.1.13 and 7.2.1 Available
> Hi Chris,
> "Christoph M. Becker" in php.internals (Fri, 5 Jan 2018 15:53:23 +0100):
> >On 05.01.2018 at 14:55, Jan Ehrhardt wrote:
> >
> >>>> The main reason why I prefer the github zips over the zips at
> >>>> http://windows.php.net/download/ is some kind of mismatch in the
> >>>> UTF-8
> >>>> filenames:
> >>
> >> N:\php-sdk\win32sdk2
> >> $ unzip -h
> >> UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP.  Maintained by C. Spieler.
> >> Send bug reports using http://www.info-zip.org/zip-bug.html; see README
> for details.
> >
> >From the release notes[1]:
> >
> >| Support for UTF-8 encoded entry names, both through PKWARE's "General
> >| Purpose Flags Bit 11" indicator and Info-ZIP's new "up" unicode path
> >| extra field. (Currently, on Windows the UTF-8 handling is limited to
> >| the character subset contained in the configured non-unicode "system
> >| code page".)
> >
> >So this might be a codepage issue.
> The warnings do not occur when processing the zips from
> https://github.com/php/php-src/releases so we know it must be possible to
> produce zip-files with Unicode filenames without mismatch. Big question is:
> how?
I see the warnings now, however the file is unpacked correctly. Strange enough. 
Chistoph's finding might be the cause of these warnings. But if unzip can only 
translate UTF-8 to the current codepage, it would mean actually any CJK 
filenames would be broken, which they're not. Plus, MSYS2 is actually a Linux 
port, so there can be issues in this regard , too.

I'd rather say unzip should not be used in this case as it inherently documents 
not a fully compatible behavior, but seems to work in the end. The binary tools 
also supply 7za which has decent support for other formats. Perhaps it would 
make sense to check whether 7z should be used to produce zips. I recall that we 
had some issues when use older MSYS2 tools. Unzip was added there for 
convenience with the old SDK and because it's used also by several other 
scenarios, eq . PECL build hosts.



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