On 25/01/2018 14:52, Derick Rethans wrote:
IMO, it makes a lot more sense to check integrity when creating the
"array" structure. Instead, I would suggest to add a native Collection
type, that takes a "type" as argument. They aren't quite full generics,
but it does 1. fix something; 2. isn't really complicated.

What I am suggesting is to add a new syntax "Collection<$type>",
mimicking a class, but having a type as "argument":

$a = new Collection<integer>;

So would I be right in thinking this would mean adding basic support for generics to the engine, but not letting new ones be defined in userland? So, a bit like how internal or extension classes have the ability to do more overloading of casts and operators than userland classes?

If so, I like the concept, but wonder whether the parts of the implementation it would need are the easy parts of the hard ones. I guess not being able to inherit from the generic would get rid of a bunch of complexity, but don't really know where else the challenge lies.


Rowan Collins

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