> Hi, all,
> I have updated the RFC https://wiki.php.net/rfc/fiber
> changes list:
> - introduce the `throw(Exception $exceptin)` API
> - record issues discussed

What about my suggestion of making PHP's main() automatically a Fiber,
which avoids Fiber::yield() being used outside of a Fiber, because
everything is a Fiber?

This would require another continuation mechanism, as nothing has
access to the automatically created main()-Fiber otherwise.

There would also need to be something that stops the script execution
as soon as there's no non-suspended Fiber anymore.

Regarding the internal calls: A core dump / segfault in case of
Fiber::yield() inside an internal function is unacceptable. It doesn't
give the user any clue what's wrong. Instead, an exception could be
thrown from Fiber::yield(), which just bubbles up then. Full support
for internal functions could be added at a later point then.

Regards, Niklas

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