On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:56 PM, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
> Please put your name forward here if you wish to be considered a candidate.
> An initial todo page has been added to the wiki and contains
> provisional dates for GA and pre-releases.
> https://wiki.php.net/todo/php73
With 7.3.0-alpha1's date on June 7th I'd like to have RMs confirmed by
mid-May.  To that end, I'm placing a deadline on nomination/acceptance
of April 30th and will be opening the vote (assuming we have more than
2) on May 1st.

At the moment, cmb is the only confirmed candidate, though I have
promises from Derick Rethans that he'll step up as the second half of
a team (and experienced RM, even if not recent) should that prove

I want to encourage anyone who is "on the fence" or worried they won't
be able to pull it off to just go for it.  We have a large group of
active, experienced RMs, a decent supply of tooling, a surprising
amount of documentation, and if circumstances change and you just
can't do the job a year from now, that's no problem.  We can reshuffle
teams and/or provide temporary support between versions (For example,
I put out 7.1.13 and 7.1.14 because Davey and Joe both had
obligations, and that was fine).

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