On Di, 2018-08-07 at 15:10 -0500, Sara Golemon wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:17 PM, Tymoteusz Motylewski
> <t.motylew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > 3. As stated on twitter
> > (https://twitter.com/official_php/status/1024658601770668033 )
> > there
> > are some specific needs which make the move to different tool
> > harder.
> > What are they?
> > 
> At a start (non-exhaustive):
> 1. Need for integration with PHP's dev login database (x...@php.net
> people)
> 2. Ability to import and index ALL existing bug reports.  You may
> have
> trouble parsing it, but it's most certainly of value to those of us
> fixing these bugs.
> 3. Support for existing bug reports still being editable by their
> original posters (requiring them to create a new account tied to
> their
> original email is acceptable)
> 4. Support for private bugs only visible to a small subset of devs (
> https://github.com/php/web-bugs/blob/master/include/trusted-devs.php
> ).  Security vulnerability reports shouldn't double as zero-day
> announcements.

There is a key feature I really like about the PHP bug tracker: No need
to register for an account just to report a bug. Just give a mail
address and go.

> > - the UI is terrible (not useful, confusing, misleading)
> > 
> UI is harsh and a bit 90s in styling, but I have a hard time agreeing
> with the rest of that statement.  What is confusing to you?

My biggest issue with the UI is the selection of category when
reporting/editing bugs. That lst is huuuuge. Other than that I'm happy
it's no JavaScript overloaded thing, but simply works.
(room for improvement exits)

> > - Its not possible to log in, be notified when sth change on issues
> > 
> Incorrect. Any issue you comment on will email you (assuming you've
> provided a valid email address) on any change.
> I'll grant that you shouldn't need to put your email address in a
> public place (the obfuscation is a joke) just to subscribe to
> updates, but subscribing is possible.

For subscriptions etc. it is possible to translate all searches and
many other things (i.e. individual reports) into rss feeeds, i.e.
Basically just put an "/rss/" into any URL. This might need better
linking, though.

> > - its not possible to state PHP version or OS you're reproducing
> > the issue in
> > 
> The voting functionality is a relatively recent addition.  I agree
> it'd help to expand its scope.

The version thing is especially bad with PECL modules. That needs work.
here it is unclear which version to use (PHP version, pecl ext version,

> Many of the above can be fixed, and the entire site is in PHP and on
> github.  I encourage you to offer pull requests!


(while we rejected quite a few contributions, sometimes for better,
sometimes for worse reasons in the past, and sometimes plainly ignore
them ....)


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