
> 1) Please see my earlier message.  The way FIG is structured, one could 
> extend 
> voting rights to project representatives, the core committee, both, or 
> neither.  The core committee is 12 people.  Project reps are ~36 currently.  
> Adding 12 people to the voting pool would not "effectively hand control over 
> the entire PHP project to FIG".  That's complete hyperbole.  Even if it were 
> > all 50 people, that's still less than a third the number of people
that would

Please note that people eligible to vote and people actually voting are
very different. 39 people voted on FFI RFC, 71 people on properties RFC,
48 on preloading RFC. Adding 50 votes to that could significantly change
the dynamic (in fact, it would be possible to change an unanimously
passing RFC to a failed one). And as many of us who watched political
elections know, you don't always need controlling majority to wield very
significant influence - sometimes just being able to change a marginal
vote goes a long way.

Now, don't get me wrong - I do think group like FIG should have some
influence on what we decide, and an input from such a group would be
very valuable. However, I think that if there's a marginal vote and
votes from people who do not directly contribute to the project would be
instrumental to significantly changing the outcome, this would not make
a healthy community dynamic. There's a difference between providing
input and advice and having decisive power, and I think while the advice
is highly valuable and welcome, the decisive power should be with those
who actually implements and maintains stuff.

Stas Malyshev

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