Hi Martin,

On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 10:50, Köditz, Martin <martin.koed...@it-syn.de> wrote:
>  I agreed to continue developing the Firebird driver as a maintainer.

As mentioned previously, possibly the first thing you should do is to
make clear if you're maintaining it as something that is compatible
with Firebird, or whether you are continuing the compatibility with

The two pieces of software have different capabilities[*]. You seem to
be interested in maintaining it for Firebird, but the extension is
currently called 'InterBase'.

Having the supported DB change silently is quite a surprising thing to happen.

Nikita Popov wrote:
> as well as the new PECL
> repository for the extension once the move is completed.

Will that include mirroring to a github repository?

Martin, either way I would recommend setting up a github repo to use
in your workflow somewhere, as it is much easier for people to
collaborate over (and can have things like TravisCI integration) more
easily that PHP's git account can.

And a Github repo is probably a better place to discuss plans for
future support than PHP's bug tracker.


[*] https://ib-aid.com/en/articles/differences-between-firebird-and-interbase/

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