> On May 5, 2019, at 10:59 AM, Ben Ramsey <b...@benramsey.com> wrote:
>> On May 4, 2019, at 09:58, Steven Wade <stevenwad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Internals team!
>> I have an idea for a feature that I'd love to see in the language one day 
>> and wanted to run the idea by you all. 
>> The idea is to add a new magic method "__toArray()" that would allow a 
>> developer to specifiy how a class is cast to an array. The idea is the same 
>> mentality of __toString(), but, for arrays.
>> I would personally love this feature and those I've run it by were also 
>> excited by the idea. So I'm soliciting feedback in hopes that things go well 
>> and I can officially write the RFC. As for implementation, Sara Golemon is 
>> awesome and while chatting a few months back, knocked out a proof-of-concept 
>> implementation 
>> <https://github.com/sgolemon/php-src/tree/experimental.toarray>.  There's 
>> still work to be done if this proposal gets to the RFC phase, but again, 
>> just gauging interest here.
>> I appreciate any feedback you all can provide.
>> Thanks,
>> - Steven Wade
> Using existing language functionality, would it satisfy the similar needs if 
> you implement IteratorAggregate and return an ArrayIterator from the 
> getIterator() method? Obviously, the (array) cast wouldn’t use this, but you 
> could do $object->getIterator()->getArrayCopy().
> I’m not against the proposal. I’m mainly asking if there are other ways in 
> the language today to accomplish similar things. I would prefer to see 
> interfaces used over more magic methods (something like ArraySerializable).

PHP already has the magic built in. The proposal is really just a way to 
control the magic. We already have "(string) $foo" and "__toString()", so the 
idea of implementing a "__toArray()" method is bringing a feature more inline 
with what's already there. 

I think it reads easier and cleaner "(array) $foo", and a simpler as a 
developer to implement than a mix of chained methods and interfaces.

That being said, adding an interface like `ArraySerializable` might be nice 
too. I'm seeing technical arguments against adding magic casts, but (just 
spit-balling here), what if a class implemented a new `ArraySerializable` 
interace with whatever method it demands, and if that is attempted to be cast 
to an array either manually by calling "(array) $foo" or PHP attempting to, 
then the array serialize method is called. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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