> * in some strict mode, reserve `<`, `==` etc. for numeric comparison, and
throw a TypeError one of the operand is not numeric;

> * If we deem it worth, define a new operators for string comparison.
(Although I’m not really sure it is worth: we have `strcmp()` and `===` for
byte-to-byte comparison, and the Collator class for alphabetical sorting
that actually works in languages not restricted to unaccented latin

It's true that string comparison (sorting) is a much harder problem that
cannot be solved without additional knowledge of the encoding of the
string; so I agree that it might be better to just throw a TypeError when
comparing strings, and leave the user with an operator that only works on
numbers, and explicitly use dedicated functions when comparing strings.

This makes sense for "<", "<=", ">", ">=", but what about "==" and "!="?

Currently, "11" == "11.0"; what would this yield under the new proposal?

- leave it as is: return true in this case => contradicts the whole purpose
of the new proposal
- throw a TypeError when performing the above comparison => not acceptable
either I guess; every language allows == and != on strings, forcing to use
strict comparison operators is a bit weird here.
- change the semantics to return false when both operands are strings, and
don't match => not acceptable to you as you cannot know what a line of code
does without checking the header

What would you suggest here?


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