On 26-06-19 23:22, Arnold Daniels wrote:
> I would argue the following; The explicit use of the strict_operator is
> intentional, meaning that the author consciously chose to be strict and
> does not expect some operators to still be non-strict. The issues pointed
> out, apply to all comparison operators. Ignoring == and != in the RFC
> creates an inconsistency, while not properly addressing those concerns.

Yes, I guess you're right about treating all operators in a strict way
with a simpler set of rules is more consistent.

Concerning the issue with copying existing code into a file that uses
stricter interpretation of the code: I think this should be regarded as
performing an upgrade of the code that is being copied. No problem in my

In the section about widening the scope you address the type juggling
that happens on array access, like $array[12.34]. One could argue that
accessing an array item by key is implicit use of the == operator, just
like a switch statement is. I would love to see it included in the main
proposal in stead of proposing it as part of a different directive. The
change in behavior could be similar to what is proposed for the switch
statement: Array keys are compared using the === operator.

Dik Takken

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