
Conference Announcement

Theme: Order and Disorder in the Age of Globalization(s)
Subtitle: Philosophy and the Development of Cultures
Type: COMIUCAP Inter-Continental Congress
Institution: Conférence Mondiale des Institutions Universitaires
Catholiques de Philosophie (COMIUCAP)
   St. Augustine College of South Africa
Location: Johannesburg (South Africa)
Date: 13.–17.11.2013


We are now firmly situated in an Age of Globalizations. Successive
waves of globalization have radically changed human society, affected
cultures and changed economic and political activities. The ongoing
processes of globalization have brought order and benefit but also
disorder and destruction. When taken neutrally globalization is
simply the set of processes that have led to greater
interconnectivity at different levels of human life. But when
globalization is narrowly seen as a predominantly economic process
its negative aspects begin to emerge. So for example a corporate-led
globalisation can become a “juggernaut driven by greed and notions of
market efficiency” which can negatively affect personal and social
and cultural life. Such globalisation tends to relentlessly pursue
its goals of wealth creation for the few no matter what the cost to
the environment or to the values that hold communities and cultures

What role can philosophy play in analysing, evaluating and responding
to one-sided notions of globalization? What alternatives can it
articulate? It may be argued that philosophy can respond in a number
of ways to the order and disorder brought about by globalization. In
the first place as well as economic development there is a wider
integral human development to be fostered. A key role of philosophy
is to develop a full account of what such integral human development
might involve. There is a great need to reflect on how the world can
be interconnected at the level of human living and not just at the
level of business. Philosophy has the resources to contribute to
this. It can foster local philosophies and cultures as well as
encourage the kind of intercultural dialogue that leads to ‘economic
wisdom’ or to a ‘world cultural consciousness’. It can reflect on and
evaluate the social and political and the moral and religious
implications of globalization. It can reflect on what constitutes the
common good in a situation of pluralism. 

Many questions arise. What are the dimensions of global democracy to
be fostered? What kind of economies and of economic reflection is
needed to serve the human good? Is an Ethical Economics Possible?
What is the Good of Business? What kind of institutions do we need to
promote the common good? What is the ethical status of corporate
identity? Is a shared moral discourse possible in a pluralistic
world? How is international law to be related to Sovereignty of
Nations? Is human dignity a transcultural notion? Are human rights
cross-cultural? How should be understand ‘terrorism’ in a global
context? Is a moral military possible? What kind of education is
required in a globalized world? Is there any role for religion in an
increasingly secular world?

In a context of a world ordered and disordered by globalization
philosophers are challenged to reflect on what their responsibility
might be to foster order and resist disorder. According to Eric
Voegelin, philosophy has its origin not just in the desire to
understand the world in a deep way but also in ‘the philosopher’s
felt awareness of and resistance to the disorder in his surrounding
culture or society – an awareness that threatens the philosopher’s
own soul’. If this is so then the need for authentic and responsible
philosophizing in the face of globalization is clear.


- Metaphysics and Religion
- Philosophy, Cultures and Dialogue
- Economy, Justice & Development
- Socio-Political and Ethical Challenges
- Education, Peace and Non-Violence
- African Issues 

For further detailed information on this upcoming event, visit the
website: http://www.comiucap.net


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