
Call for Papers

Theme: Peoples, Land, and Water
Subtitle: The Natural Connection
Type: 4th Annual Bilingual International Conference
Institution: Espam-Formation University
   African Environmental Ethics and Values Research Group,
University of Lagos
   Center for Environmental Philosophy, University of North Texas
Location: Cotonou (Benin)
Date: 3.–6.11.2013
Deadline: 20.10.2013


The African Environmental Ethics and Values Research Group in the
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos,
Nigeria and Espam-Formation University, Cotonou, Republic of Benin in
collaboration with the Center for Environmental Philosophy (CEP) in
the Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies, University of
North Texas (UNT), located in Denton, Texas, United States will hold
its fourth annual conference on the above theme. The Conference
Coordinators are, Dr. Chigbo Joseph Ekwealo at cekwe...@unilag.edu.ng
or chigboekwe...@gmail.com and Dr. Gene Hargrove at c...@unt.edu.

Land and water has always been the immediate surroundings of peoples
in all existences and continents. It has always been the base on
which Man depends on for his existence. Land serves as home, a
nutrient-filled and agricultural base, a thoroughfare, a religious
base, et cetera. Water is all important beginning with the human body
made up of water, water also serves as nourishment, used for cooking
and the rivers, streams and oceans are home for very many habitats
necessary for life. Wars have been fought to protect and preserve
land and water space meaning that they are fundamental resource for
human survival. Prevailing civilizations and epochs are chronicled
with the effects these constituents have on human life. The
conference therefore would like to explore these great connections
from the humanities, science and social science perspectives. The
hope of the conference is to discuss the interconnectedness or
relatedness of these three theatres of life for existence/ living and
chart a model or value system for the preservation of the resources
and sustainable use by the human society.

The conference welcomes papers and presentations from academics,
civil societies groups and natural activists, government, et cetera
on any aspect of the discourse. Themes therefore include but are not
limited to traditional and contemporary notions of land and water,
religious notions, scientific and spiritual qualities of land and
water, peoples and culture, science of the cosmos, et cetera.
Although an African focused conference, papers from other continents
that are comparative and addresses the theme of the conference are

Abstracts of not more than 250 words should be sent before October
20, 2013 to the Conference Coordinator, Dr. Chigbo Joseph Ekwealo at
cekwe...@unilag.edu.ng or chigboekwe...@gmail.com.

Conference Languages: English and French

The conference registration fee is $250 for foreign delegates and
N30, 000.00 (Naira) for Nigerian participants, which includes all
program materials, lunch for two days. Questions regarding mode of
payment, transportation, accommodation, and other logistics should be
directed to the Conference Coordinator, Dr. Chigbo Ekwealo
(cekwe...@unilag.edu.ng), for the French delegates, the
Pro-Chancellor, Prof. Martial Lipeb (drm_li...@yahoo.fr) or the Vice
Chancellor, Dr. Esther Tchokouatcheu (tchokoua2...@yahoo.fr),
Espam-Formation University, Cotonou, Republic of Benin.

Select papers will be published in the peer reviewed Journal of
African Environmental Ethics and Values, Department of Philosophy,
University of Lagos, Nigeria OR Journal of Intercultural Studies,
Espam-Formation University, Cotonou, Republic of Benin.


Dr. Chigbo Joseph Ekwealo
Email: chigboekwe...@gmail.com  or  cekwe...@unilag.edu.ng
Web: http://www.cep.unt.edu/africa/


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