
Conference Announcement

Theme: Place/s of Thinking
Subtitle: On the Claims of Inter "Cultural" Philosophy
Type: International Conference
Institution: Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
   Institute for Arts and Sciences (IWK)
   Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie (WiGiP)
Location: Vienna (Austria)
Date: 26.–28.9.2013


Thinking happens at/in a place. Obviously, there always needs to be
a  site or a point of view where thinking occurs — a place at which a
thought manifests, arrives, changes itself and proceeds along in new
ways. At first, this statement sounds trivial and obvious. Of course,
thinking in any manner presumes a place, just as every statement,
every action, every sensation, and so forth does. It appears then
that it would be nearly impossible for thinking to take place without
actually taking place; thinking would simply have no impression or
expression. Certainly, "place" can refer to a manifold of things —
the body (lived and physical), political class, social status,
(socialized) gender, language, cultural networks, lifeworlds, and
last but not least (geographical) landscapes as well as (historical)
time periods. All of these are, within each constellation, not only
the places that condition thought, rather each appears to allow only
a determined, bordered, and restricted type of thinking according to
each sense of place. And yet, deeply penetrating experiences of
thinking in both the past and present always again raise the claim of
being universal and in this sense of being inter- and/or
trans-cultural, which always means between bodies and beyond the
body, between and beyond the strata and settings of geography, time,
language, gender, skin color, and so on.

The breadth of this problem prompts a question, namely, what are the
theoretical approaches that can help us explore and understand the
complexities of where thinking takes place? How can we comprehend
this unfathomable concept of "a place", and why does it seem that
thinking presupposes it — or rather, if anything, does place shape
thinking? Can one speak at all of a "pure" place, unaffected by
thinking, without running into problems? Or, on the contrary, does
thinking have to be bound to a certain place? Might "universal"
thinking be possible, in a way that thinks between and beyond places
and that occurs always from elsewhere? Does a plurality of places
change or resituate the apparent tension between thinking and place?

Opening Speech:
Georg Stenger (Vienna): Ort/e – Ortungen – Orientierungen

Closing Speech:
Franz Martin Wimmer (Vienna)


Oliver Bruns (Bremen/Oldenburg):
Der politische Raum als verborgener Grund des metaphysischen Denkens.
Hannah Arendts Deutung des ursprünglichen Verhältnisses von Politik
und Philosophie bei den Griechen
(The political realm as hidden ground of metaphysical thinking. The
original relation of politics and philosophy according to Hannah

Choong-Su Han (Seoul/Freiburg):
Heideggers Denken und sein Ort (Heidegger's Thinking and its locale)

Christoph Dittrich (Cologne):
Exteriorität und Grenze. Der locus enunciationis bei Enrique Dussel
und Walter Mignolo
(Exteriority and Border. The locus enunciationis of Enrique Dussel
and Walter Mignolo)

Jessica Dömötör (Berlin):
Dominanz als Kategorie in der interkulturellen Philosophie
(Dominance as a category of intercultural philosophy)

Madeleine Elfenbein (Chicago):
Trees of Liberty and Asiatic Germs: Rethinking Metaphors of
Transmission in 19th-Century European and Ottoman Political Thought

Eveline Cioflec (Durban):
Weltentwurf' und die Verortung des Denkens
(Projecting the World' or the Place of Thought)

Anke Graneß (Bonn):
Interkulturelle Weisheitsforschung
(Wisdom research in an intercultural perspective)

Patrick Hedfeld / Bernd Ulmann (Darmstadt):
Programming languages as ideal languages

Reyhaneh Heydari / Ahmadali Heydari (Tehran):
Der Ort als menschliche Errungenschaft und Ausdruck der Verbindung
des Himmels und der Erde am Beispiel iranisch-islamischer Architektur
(Space as human achievement and result of the bond between earth and
heaven on the example of iranian-islamic architecture)

Hannah Holme (Berlin):
Orte des Denkens und (Wahr-)Sprechens. Das Verhältnis von Wahrheit
und Selbst bei Martin Heidegger und Michel Foucault
(The place of thought and truth telling. The relation between truth
and the self according to Martin Heidegger and Michel Foucault)

Sophie Voegele / Karin Hostettler (Toronto / Basel):
Gender and Sexuality as Place/s of Imperial Thinking. Approximations
from a (post)colonial theory's perspective

Christoph Hubatschke (Vienna):
Territorien des Widerstandes. Von Ver-ortung und Ent-grenzung der
Demokratie (Territories of resistance. The smooth places of democracy)

Karin Hutflötz (Munich):
Philosophieren im öffentlichen Raum – ein Ort des Denkens?
Philosophize in Public Space – A Place for Thinking?

Takashi Ikeda (Tokyo):
"Wohnstätte" als übersehener Ort des Denkens: Eine feministische
Perspektive zum Thema
(Home as a lost place of thinking: A feminist perspective on the

Bruce B. Janz (Orlando, FL):
Elements of Philosophy-in-Place: Learning from African Philosophy

Lukas Kaelin (Stanford / Vienna):
Das politische Denken unter den Bedingungen der medialen
(Political Thinking under the Conditions of the media public)

Karin Kuchler (Vienna):
A Genealogy of European Philosophy in the Context of the Darker Side
of Enlightenment

Kyoo Lee (New York):
A Zeroing in on a Point Again: Placing Descartes' Chaogito in the Age
of Instantaneous Global-Material Portability

Peter Libbey (Pittsburgh):
Shadow of the Other: Māyā/Avidyā and the Family of Hindu 'Visions'

Kevin Liggieri (Bochum):
"Am Ende hängen wir doch ab, von Wissen, das wir machten" – Das Labor
als Ort der epistemischen Produktion und Konstruktion
("In the end we all depend on the knowledge that we made ourselves" –
Laboratory as a place of episemic production and construction

Giuseppe Menditto (Naples):
Nishidas Basho im Gespräch mit dem griechischen und
phänomenologischen Denken
(Discussing Nishida's Basho in relation to greek and phenomenological

Ali Asghar Mosleh (Tehran):
Kann die sufistische Tradition im Islam ein "Ort" für die Genese des
interkulturelle Denkens sein?
(Can Sufism in Islam be a "place" for originating the intercultural

Krzysztof Nawratek (Plymouth):
Place, Autonomy and Revolution: territorial conditions of untimely

Pritika Nehra (Delhi):
Located in the World by Default: Perspectives on Hannah Arendt and
Indian Philosophical thought on Temporality

Barbara Reisinger (Vienna):
Ausdehnung und Milieu. Überlegungen zum Raum in der niederländischen
(Extension and Milieu. Thinking about Space in Nederlandish Interior

Britta Saal (Düsseldorf):
Der Ort des interkulturellen Denkens als Raum in Bewegung
(The place of intercultural thinking as space in motion)

Martin Savransky (London):
Casting Off From Modernity: Speculative Thinking and Potential Spaces

Annika Schlitte (Eichstätt):
Brücke, Tür und Tempelschwelle – Denkorte bei Simmel, Cassirer und
(Bridges, Doors and the Threshold of the Temple – Places of Thought
in Simmel, Cassirer and Heidegger)

Ulrich Seeberg (Halle)
Ästhetische Erfahrung und die Orte des Denkens
(Aesthetic experience and the views of thinking)

Fabian Steinschaden (Vienna):
Das Denken der Nicht-Orte
(The Thinking of Non-Places)

Ben Yagi Tsutomu (Berkeley / Freiburg):
Exiled in the Mother Tongue: Gadamer's Contribution to the Question
of Heimat and Fremde

Lawrence Ogbo Ugwuanyi (Abuja):
Understanding the Contestation of Place in Critical Thinking through
an Insight from African Philosophy


Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG)
3rd floor
Universitätsstr. 7
1010 Vienna

Conference participation is free of charge, but we would appreciate
if you registered via e-mail.

Conference website:


Murat Ates and James Garrison
University of Vienna
Department of Philosophy (NIG, D0302)
Universitätsstr. 7
A-1010 Vienna
Email: murat.a...@univie.at  or  james.garri...@univie.ac.at
Web: http://ortedesdenkens.univie.ac.at


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