
Call for Papers

Theme: Tourism, Ethics and Global Citizenship
Subtitle: Connecting the Dots
Type: 1st International Conference
Institution: Research Group Ethics and Global Citizenship, Saxion
University of Applied Sciences
Location: Apeldoorn (Netherlands)
Date: 3.–6.7.2017


Only recently have we witnessed the inclusion of ethics and global
citizenship in tourism debates. The freedom of movement, the right to
travel and simultaneously the rise of a multitude of alternative
forms of tourism provide sufficient justification to discuss the
manifold relationships between tourism, ethics and global citizenship
in more detail during this event. Although these concepts have been
studied by various disciplines and as phenomena in their own right,
in order to connect the dots in contemporary political and
sociological thinking, it is important that scholars from different
disciplines converse and debate in person. There is a need for
understanding the relations and effects between the way we, as
tourists or hosts, interact with each other and the environment and
how people reflect on these encounters in terms of, for example,
hospitality, inequality, human rights, and mobility.

To understand the relations and effects between the way we, as
tourists or hosts, interact with each other and the environment and
how people reflect on these encounters, Saxion University of Applied
Sciences will be hosting its first International Conference on
Tourism, Ethics & Global Citizenship: Connecting the Dots on 3-6 July
2017 in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. The conference is organised
jointly with Wageningen University and NHTV Breda University of
Applied Sciences.

The conference aims to strengthen the academic and professional
networks that are necessary to push forward the discussions of
tourism’s manifold intersections with existing and emergent ethical
approaches and forms of citizenship, and to discuss these concepts to
apply new insights in our research, policy documents and daily
practices. The conference intends a cross-disciplinary dialogue among
all those working in tourism and hospitality studies, philosophy,
business and management, culture and media studies, education,
anthropology, sociology, psychology, geography, sports and leisure
studies, heritage studies and related fields.


- Tourism practices and the moral debate
- Tourism and global citizenship
- Tourism, borders and security
- Tourism and human rights
- Tourism (im)mobilities
- Tourism and moral consumption
- Tourism and lifestyle politics
- Tourism, ethics and (social) responsibility
- Ethics in (hospitality) management and marketing
- Tourism education, ethics and global citizenship

Keynote Speakers

We are very pleased to announce the following keynote speakers:
- Professor Claudio Minca, Wageningen University
- Dr Raoul Bianchi, University of East London
- Dr Clare Weeden, University of Brighton
- Dr Angela Benson, University of Brighton

The welcome reception will feature inspiring talks by:
- Mr Frank Oostdam, ANVR (Dutch association of travel agents/tour
- Professor Ruud Welten, Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Professor Paul Peeters, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

Conference Venue

Situated in a former nets factory, the Saxion campus provides a
multifunctional research, teaching and community hub in the vibrant
city of Apeldoorn. The campus is located next to the train station
and accommodates several teaching spaces, lecture theatres and
seminar rooms. These facilities will be used for all keynote
presentations and conference sessions.

Saxion campus 'Nettenfabriek'
Spoorstraat 29
7311 PE Apeldoorn

Organising Committee

- Inge Hermann, Conference Chair
- Liesbeth Elshoud, Event Coordinator
- Christa Barkel, Finance and Communication Coordinator
- Yvonne Lynch, Online content designer
- Vera de Groen-Mulder, Registration
- Anastasija Sergejcuka, Administrator

Scientific Committee

- Karin Peters, Scientific Committee Co-Chair
- Rami Isaac, Scientific Committee Co-Chair

The Organising Committee welcomes all queries. Please contact us if
you need more information about the conference, registration,
accommodation, transport, social programme and so forth – we are
happy to help.


CTD2017 Organising Committee
Research Group Ethics & Global Citizenship
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Spoorstraat 29
NL-7311 PE Apeldoorn
Tel: +31 (0)88 019 34 00
Email: ctd2017....@saxion.nl
Web: https://www.saxion.nl/ctd


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