
Conference Announcement

Theme: Performance Philosophy and Sufism
Type: International Symposium
Institution: Centre for Performance Philosophy
   University of Surrey
Location: Guildford (United Kingdom)
Date: 6.–7.10.2017


A two-day symposium on relationships between contemporary performance
philosophy and Sufism. This event is the first in a 3 part series
looking at interconnected yet distinct notions of spirituality,
spirit, the spiritual, and spiritualism, from a pluralist perspective
– drawing together forms of thought and ways of knowing from a
selection of global philosophical and performative practices.

‘Performance Philosophy and Sufism’ will explore the relationships
between performance, philosophy and the spiritual within concepts and
practices of Sufism, the traditional alongside the contemporary.
Sufism is broadly known as the mystical or interior dimension of
Islam, and is argued by many to be the very heart of original Islam.
Its practices (dhikr, prayer, fasting, study, music and whirling
among others) centre on purification of the individual by way of
preparation for divine union. In relation to performance philosophy,
such practices can be viewed as actions which philosophise universal
(spiritual and nonspiritual, timeless) truths. The methodologies, or
spiritual technologies, that open these truths within the student or
devotee are living, breathing philosophies.

This event focuses on the actioned practices of Sufism.
Differentiating the process from an embodiment of abstract notions
via practice, the philosophies themselves are
manifested/realised/perceptibly known in multi-layered and nuanced
individual forms.

With contributions from international experts, the event will
include: a screening of the film, ‘The Woman Who Whirls’ (2017) - an
ethno-poetics of contemporary whirling practice – produced by Hannah
McClure (Surrey) and directed by Ella Wood; a participatory whirling
workshop led by Azize Guvenc, Hande and Emre Basaran and Faridah
Busemann (Tumata); as well as discussions on intercultural philosophy
and practice by Cosimo Zene (SOAS) and Dunja Njaradi (Lancaster), and
a presentation focused on ‘Say I am You Mevlana’ (2012) – a full
length opera for an intercultural musical ensemble and orchestra by
its composer, Michael Ellison (Bristol). The event will close with a
celebration of the launch of ‘Global Journeys of Sufi Whirling,
Sufism and Arts Practice’ a special issue of the journal Dance,
Movement, Spiritualities (Intellect), co-edited by Hannah McClure and
Dunja Njaradi.


Day 1

10 - 10:30
Registrations and Welcome

10:30 - 12
Presentations by International Delegates - Hala Gohname (University
of Marburg/Germany), Serap Erincin (NYU/USA) and Sinead O’Conner
(Open University/Ireland)

12 - 1

1 - 5
Participatory talk and whirling workshop w/ guest presenters Azize
Guvenc, Hande and Emre Basaran and Faridah Busemann (Tumata/Turkey). 

Day 2

9 - 9:15
Introductions by Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca for the CPP

Keynote Address and Screening of ‘The Woman Who Whirls’ (2017) and
conversation - with Hannah McClure and Professor Cosimo Zene 

10:30 – 11

11- 11:30
Presentations by UK Delegates - Mark Hamilton (Regents
University/London) and Bridget Fisk & Sarah Sayeed (Independent

11:30 - 12:30
Introduction of Special Issue and Presentation of opera, ‘Say I am
You Mevlana’ (2012) excerpt - w/ guest presenters, Dunja Njaradi and
Michael Ellison

12:30 - 1:45

Circular Panel with all contributors

Launch of ‘Global Journeys of Sufi Whirling, Sufism and Arts
Practice’ a special issue of the journal Dance, Movement,


Dr. Dunja Njaradi is an associate editor of Dance, Movement,
Spiritualities. She completed her doctorate on somatic movement and
choreography in the department of Theatre Studies at Lancaster
University. Publications include several articles and edited volumes
on spirituality, somatics and ethnography. Dunja currently teaches at
The University of Belgrade in the department of Ethnomusicology and
is actively researching and teaching on topics of agency, histories
and personal spiritualities.

Dr. Michael Ellison grew up in Istanbul as the son of American
ex-pats and later completed his music education at Tufts (MA) and his
doctorate at The University of California Santa Barbara. Currently
affiliated with The University of Bristol, Michael researches the
music of Turkey and Anatolia, collisions and intersections of culture
and contemporary opera. An active artist and composer, Michael is an
ongoing co-director the Hezarfen Ensemble in Istanbul. Recent works
include ‘The Sea Crossed Fisherman’ (2016), and ‘Say I am You
Mevlana’ (2012) both full length operas for intercultural musical
ensembles and orchestra.

The late Dr. Rahmi Oruc Guvenc is a sufi master, a music therapist,
an ethnomusicologist, a composer and a poet.He studied philosophy at
the Faculty of Literature, Istanbul University. At the Cerrahpasa
Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul he completed his doctorate degree in
Clinical Psychology, focusing traditional music therapy. Oruc Guvenc
founded the ‘Centre for Research and Application of Turkish Music’ at
Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine. Later, he was appointed lecturer at
the ‘Unit for the Research and Promotion of Turkish Music’ at the
Turkic Research Institute of Marmara University. Earlier, in 1975,
Oruc Guvenc had founded TUMATA (Group for the Research and Promotion
of Turkish Music) and began researching the origins and healing
properties of Central Asian music. He will be represented by Azize
Andrea Guvenc, an ergotherapist, musician and his closest
collaboratress as well as some of his closest students, Emre Basaran
and Faridah Busemann.

Professor Cosimo Zene is a specialist in Religion and Philosophy at
The School Of African and Oriental Studies, London. With a particular
emphasis on religions as lived philosophies and the need for dialogue
between philosophies, Professor Zene opens a space for intersections
and conversation - ultimately toward the goal of harmony and peace.
His expertise in the parallel, conflicting and complementary
structures of thought and practice in Bangladesh, India and South
Asia bridge now outdated East-West and North-South divides. As former
head of his department he has created the new BA program in World
Philosophies, emphasising plurality and dialogue and leading the way
in new thinking.

‘The Woman Who Whirls’ (2017) is an ethno-poetics of contemporary
whirling practice. It speaks from and to the nature of whirling
through visual and spoken non-linear narrative. Broadly experimental
in its visual style, the film invites the observer into the inner
world of the dervish through its cinematography and editing choices.
Issues of tradition and agency, methodologies of practice, and
contemporary spirituality are considered. The film was screened with
live performance at Liverpool Hope University in April of this year
and will be formally premiered on the festival circuit 2018. It runs
11 minutes 34 seconds. Produced and performed by Dr. Hannah McClure,
Director Ella Wood.


Fee: £26 - includes lunches, tea/coffee and drinks reception.

You are welcome to come for one or both days as your schedule allows.

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