
Call for Papers

Theme: Re-Imagining Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Social Justice 
Type: Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Frederick Douglass Institute Collaborative, Pennsylvania
State System of Higher Education (PASSHE)
   Frederick Douglass Institute, West Chester University
Location: West Chester, PA (USA)
Date: 4.–5.4.2018
Deadline: 30.10.2017


The Frederick Douglass Institute Collaborative within the
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) invites you to
submit abstracts/papers/proposals for the Frederick Douglass
Bicentennial Conference scheduled on April 5-6, 2018 at West Chester
University. This bicentennial celebration will examine Douglass’
legacy within the contexts of his era and today. Scholars, academics,
researchers and intellectuals of diverse backgrounds are encouraged
to submit abstracts, papers or proposals related to the conference
theme including, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Literary and rhetorical traditions of resistance and dissent
- Race and the question of a post-racial society
- Gender, race, and ethnicity in the 21st century
- Ethnicity, immigration, and citizenship in the 21st century
- Race, social justice and cultural identity in the USA
- Constructing class and social justice through the media
- Historical consciousness of America’s journey to freedom
- Politics, policy, and people of color
- Complications of religion and freedom
- Equality, law, and the criminal justice system
- Literacy and multicultural education

Please send your abstract of approximately 500 words via the proposal
submission page at: https://orgsync.com/161904/forms/266596

Please also take note of the following important dates:

- Proposal submission deadline: October 30, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2017
- Registration: January 30, 2018


Dr. Chris Kwame Awuyah, Director
Frederick Douglass Institute
West Chester University
408 Francis Harvey Green Library
West Chester, PA 19383
Email: fdibicent2...@wcupa.edu
Web: https://orgsync.com/161904/forms/266596


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