
Call for Publications

Theme: Images and Imaginaries of Identity/Alterity
Subtitle: The Conceptualization of the Other in the Era of
Publication: ÉLLiC (Study of Languages, Literatures and Cultures)
Date: No. 2 (December 2018)
Deadline: 12.4.2018


This second volume of the journal is inscribed within an
interdisciplinary perspective to interrogate the issues of
globalization, changing identities and cultural and language
crossings (Giddens). Every individual, every community needs to
determine its place in relation to the other and to affirm its
identity. Hence, identity is the product of social interactions and
“the construction of identity is inseparable from alterity – indeed,
identity itself makes sense in juxtaposition with alterity” (Schick).
It is a process that we build through contact with others, through
identification and differencing, about who they are, who we believe
they are and the image that we perceive they have of us, according to
Dominique Picard.  It can be built in a context of reciprocity,
exchange and mutual respect or in a climate of struggle, conflict and

Investigations into questions of identity/alterity and their
corollaries, strangeness, inclusion, exclusion have pertinent
significance and their potential has given food for thought to a
large number of writers, sociologists and ethnologists.
Representations of the image of the Other are shaped partly by
perceptions belonging to the historical past, namely colonialism and
imperialism, and partly by newly-born images derived from a new,
third-millennium imaginary.

If globalization in the recent decades calls for openness and
plurality, how can we, in this case, define individual identity
within the movement of human exchanges and interactions? How can we
reflect the impact of globalization on identity crises and their
consequences such as strangeness, discrimination and prejudice? In
addition to political events and conflicts that have marked Western
imaginary and allowed social media to spread images that stigmatize
the Other and reduce him to pejorative clichés; according to Amine
Maalouf, identity can only be shaped through the vision of the Other,
for it is our gaze that shuts the others inside their narrowest
belongings and it is also our gaze that can free them.

Faced with a reality based on diversity, man needs to affirm his
identity, belonging and culture. Yet, as a citizen of the world, how
can he position himself towards the Other while preserving his

Given the importance of crises of identity in the 21st century at the
global level, this issue aims at articulating reflections including
but not limited to the following:

- Globalization and the conceptualization of the Other
- Alterity in literature and the cinema
- Western imaginary facing Oriental alterity (the Arab world)
- Social media and the representation of the Other

We welcome proposals for contributions in English, French or Spanish
which should include the author’s name, affiliation and email. They
will be peer-reviewed before acceptance for publication.

Proposals should be sent to:

Important Dates

Deadline for sending abstracts (2000 to 3000 characters):
April 12th, 2018

Date of response notification:
April 30th, 2018

Deadline for complete articles of about 30 000 characters including
June 15th, 2018

Date of expertise feedback:
July 15th, 2018

Deadline for sending reviewed articles after expertise:
September 1st,  2018

Date of publication of the issue:
December 2018


Prof. Latefa Sari M.
L.L.C Research Laboratory
Faculty of Letters and Languages
Abou Bakr Belkaid University
Email: labolangues...@gmail.com


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