
Call for Papers

Theme: African Philosophy, Culture and the Future of Africa
Subtitle: For Professor Oladele Abiodun Balogun at 50
Type: International Colloquium / Festschrift
Institution: Olabisi Onabanjo University
Location: Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State (Nigeria)
Date: 19.–20.11.2018
Deadline: 30.6.2018


From Jonathan Chimakonam <jchimako...@unical.edu.ng>

December 25th, 2018 will mark the Golden birthday of the erudite
Nigerian philosopher, Professor Oladele Abiodun Balogun. His career,
of almost three decades, is exemplary of an accomplished scholar,
distinguished teacher, seasoned administrator, cerebral theologian,
and ardent philanthropist. In and beyond the academia, Balogun’s
scholarship, mentorship and leadership personnel are sterling and of
great impact. Though renowned as a Professor of African philosophy,
Balogun has also made notable productive contributions to core
aspects of Philosophy like Epistemology, Metaphysics and other
sub-fields of Philosophy: Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of
Social Science, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Law and
Philosophy of Communication.

The editors, therefore, invite chapter contributions that peruse and
extend the knowledge frontiers in Balogun’s works on African
philosophy, philosophy of culture, and the African polis. Accepted
articles are to be presented at an International Colloquium with the
Festschrift’s title in November 19-20, 2018.

Publication plans:

A Special Issue of the high-flying Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of
African Philosophy, Culture and Religions (Scopus-Indexed) will be
dedicated to the papers presented at the colloquium. Thereafter, the
papers will be published by a reputable press as an edited collection.

Prospective contributions to the festschrift may be guided by the
following issues that mark Balogun’s philosophical scholarship:

- Decolonization and African development
- Africanization, difference, othering
- Social justice, global justice, inequality
- Revolutionizing Yoruba philosophy
- Meta-philosophical issues in proverb scholarship in African
- Causality and causal explanations in African thought
- Destiny and ontology of theoretical entities
- African legal culture and punishment
- Parenthood, genderism, and transgenderism in African culture
- Leadership and conflict resolution
- Tradition versus modernity in African culture
- Epistemicide and indigenous knowledge systems
- African philosophy and the question of relevance
- African philosophies of education
- Women and Gender issues
- Medicine, metaphysics and science in African culture
- Oladele Abiodun Balogun as cultural critic and essentialist
- Tributes


Chapter contributions should be accompanied by an abstract of not
more than 200 words; be prepared in Microsoft word format, using the
Calabar School of Philosophy Documentation Style (2017 edition), in
12-point Times New Roman font, typed double-spaced and not more than
6000 words (including Relevant Literature).

Important Dates:

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is June 30, 2018.
The deadline for the submission of full papers is November 1, 2018.
International Colloquium will hold in November 19-20, 2018.
All submissions and enquiries can be sent to the editors at:


Ademola K. Fayemi, PhD
Department of Philosophy
University of Lagos
Lagos, Nigeria
Phone: +234 62305327
       +27 839590249
Email: kfay...@unilag.edu.ng

Jonathan O. Chimakonam, PhD
Department of Philosophy
University of Calabar
Calabar, Nigeria
Phone: +234 8066003714
Email: jchimako...@unical.edu.ng


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