
Call for Publications

Theme: Thinking in Exile
Subtitle: The Nomadic Philosophy of Vilèm Flusser
Publication: Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and
Contemporary Age
Date: Issue No. 1/2019
Deadline: 30.11.2018


The international philosophical journal "Azimuth. Philosophical
Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age" invites contributions to
the  issue 1/2019, focused on: "Thinking in Exile. The Nomadic
Philosophy of Vilèm Flusser" (ed. by Reiner Guldin and Marco

Since the early nineties, the reception of Vilém Flusser was mainly
focused on his media theory. If on the one hand this focus allowed to
launch the first development in the study of Flusser’s ideas, on the
other hand, it ended to conceal other relevant topics and theoretical
attempts of the Czech-born philosopher. Even if his work appears
fragmented into several disciplines and areas, there is an original
source that produces this variety of topics and methodologies: a deep
connection between exile, creativity, and thought. As a matter of
fact, Flusser’s philosophy is thinking in exile between nations and
national identities across different languages (German, Portuguese,
English, and French), between and outside defined disciplines and
scientific fields, after history and geography, maybe also beyond man.

In this regard, the entire Flusser’s oeuvre becomes an expression of
a collapsed ground, also revealing an unexpected sense of freedom,
both existential and philosophical. His path of thinking exhibits
radical unfaithfulness towards homeness and reassuring boundaries,
both spatial and epistemological, both literal and metaphorical.

The purpose of this issue of Azimuth is to map this – not yet
sufficiently explored – intersection in Flusser's thought, by taking
into account the complexity of his multifaceted thinking and the
overlapping of different fields. We encourage the submission of
papers which intend to develop the contamination of different
languages and levels as well as the theoretical bond between exile
and thought under different perspectives (historical-geographical,
philosophical and biographical, linguistic and political).

We invite contributions in English, German, French, Italian and

Please send your papers to:

Deadline (for the complete article):
November 30, 2018

Min-Max contribution length:
Contributions are expected to be between 25.000 characters and 34.000
characters (spaces and footnotes included).

Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age is
a highly-scientific review headed for an international public.

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