
Call for Papers

Theme: Global Justice and Populism
Type: Interdisciplinary Workshop
Institution: Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric
   Global Justice Network
   Max Weber Programme, European University Institute
Location: Fiesole (Italy)
Date: 3.–4.6.2019
Deadline: 31.1.2019


Populism characterises the politics of our times. Actors across the
political spectrum are accused of engaging in it, whilst others
celebrate it as the only kind of politics that can realise genuine
rule by the people and justice for all.

As such, populism raises numerous and urgent theoretical questions.
First of all, despite its centrality to politics today, it is still
far from clear how exactly populism is to be defined and understood,
let alone how β€œnew” and distinctive contemporary populism actually
is. For scholars of global justice in particular, populism raises
specific challenges. Its association with nationalism and
authoritarianism, its anti-globalization  and anti-immigration
rhetoric, and its critical if not outright hostile stance towards
supranational institutions, seem to pose insurmountable challenges to
the realisation of principles of global justice. How are global
justice scholars to respond to this challenge?  Does the rise of
populism show the unfeasibility of cosmopolitan solidarity and a
renewed vitality of localised identities and allegiances, or does it
rather embody and dramatically prove the dangers of growing
inequality and indeed the failure to realise principles of global
justice? What does it entail for projects of cosmopolitan democracy
and fairness in migration? Finally, can there be a populist politics
that avoids racism and nationalism, and can instead successfully
promote global justice aims – by, saying, mobilising citizens against
transnational elites?

The workshop welcome papers on these and related topics. We also
particularly welcome papers with an interdisciplinary perspective. If
you think that the topic of your paper is related but does not
address any of the questions above, you are welcome to add a
paragraph of explanation.

The selected papers, along with the papers delivered by the keynote
speakers, will be published in a Special Issue of Global Justice:
Theory Practice Rhetoric which will appear in 2020, after a process
of peer and editorial review. Sending an abstract will be taken as
expressing consent to being considered for the Special Issue and
committing the paper to it upon acceptance.

Please send your abstracts to Tiziana Torresi:

Deadline for abstract submission:
January 31st 2019.

The European University Institute, Fiesole (Florence), Italy

Keynote speakers:
Nadia Urbinati (Columbia)
Benjamin McKean (Ohio State)
Anna Triandafyllidou (European University Institute)

Miriam Ronzoni (Manchester)
Tiziana Torresi (Adelaide)


Tiziana Torresi
Email: tiziana.torr...@adelaide.edu.au


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