
Conference Announcement

Theme: Stones and Lives
Subtitle: Proportionality and Non-Human Value in War
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace,
Stockholm University
   Open University
   American University of Beirut
Location: Beirut (Lebanon)
Date: 19.–20.11.2018


The destruction of cultural property in war zones is of pressing
concern. The recent and on-going conflicts in the Middle East have
featured both the deliberate, symbolic destruction of cultural
artefacts and sites by ISIS, such as the destruction of the Temple of
Bel, and the incidental damaging of such sites during combat, such as
the damage to the site of Ancient Babylon by the US military. The
issues raised by cultural heritage protection are a huge challenge to
international law, theories of the ethics of war, and theories of
value and heritage.

This workshop is co-hosted by the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of
War and Peace, the Open University, and the American University of
Beirut, and sponsored by the Society for Applied Philosophy. It
brings together researchers from philosophy, archaeology, law,
disaster management, and heritage protection.

Topics to be explored include, amongst others, how we ought to
compare harms to human beings to damage to objects (or the
environment), how we ought to distribute resources between protecting
humans and protecting objects, whether one may intentionally harm
humans for the sake of protecting non-human values, how we ought to
restore heritage in the aftermath of conflict, and how we ought to
compensate for damage to heritage sites.

- Maamoun Abdulkarim (University of Damascus)  ​
- Amr Al-Azm (Shawnee State University)
- Helen Frowe (Stockholm University)  ​
- Bashshar Haydar (American University of Beirut)
- Gerald Lang (Leeds University)
- Derek Matravers (Open University)
- Christina Menegazzi (UNESCO)
- Massimo Renzo (King's College, London)
​- Frederik Rosén (Nordic Center for Cultural Heritage and Armed

​The workshop is free and open to all, but places are limited. Lunch
will be provided. The deadline for registration is Monday 12th of
November. Please register via the Heritage in War website:


Professor Helen Frowe
Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
Stockholm University
SE-10691 Stockholm
Email: helen.fr...@philosophy.su.se
Web: https://www.heritageinwar.com/workshop-stones-and-lives


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