
Call for Papers

Theme: Value and Values
Type: European Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2019
Institution: International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
Location: Brighton (United Kingdom)
Date: 5.–6.7.2019
Deadline: 23.4.2019


The conference theme, Value and Values, refers to two of the
fundamental questions of human enquiry – why and how we do what we
do. Focussing on them takes us back to the basics of academic
enquiry. The focus on the Value of our area of study invokes
questions of why our field is important for us, for society, for
humanity; asking us to consider why we research, teach, and engage
with other research and researchers in our area; and what the benefit
of our work might be, to ourselves, to society, to the world.

Focusing on values, on the other hand, addresses our deeply held
beliefs and integrity, and suggests our intentions, how we approach
our work, and demands that the process of our enquiry be as important
as the product. Our core values may be universal, but are coloured by
our social, cultural, religious, political and personal contexts.

How can the study of ethics, religion and philosophy, as well as
those of psychology and the behavioral sciences, inform each other,
inform other fields, and inform our lives, from the way we lead our
individual lives, to the ways in which governments engage with their
citizens, and with those from other countries and regions?

In a world which is seeing a rise in authoritarianism, nationalism,
and populism, this conference asks us to consider “value and values”,
inviting scholars from around the world to come together and engage
in challenging, rigorous debate across the lines and borders of
religion, creed and nation, and we warmly encourage you to come to
Brighton in 2019!

Conference Theme and Streams

The conference theme for ECERP is "Value and Values", and the
organisers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a
variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for
consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions across a
variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Submissions are organised into the following thematic streams:


- Medical Ethics
- Business and Management Ethics
- Ethics in Education
- Ethics, Law, and Justice
- Ethics and Globalization
- Ethics and Science
- Comparative Ethics
- Linguistics, Language and Ethics


- Theism and Atheism
- Feminism and Religious Traditions
- Religion and Education
- Religion and Peace Studies
- Mysticism, Faith, and Scientific Culture
- Interfaith Dialogue
- Comparative Religion
- Linguistics, Language and Religion
- Interdisciplinary – Conflict Resolution and Mediation Studies


- Philosophy and Religion
- Philosophy and the Arts
- Philosophy and Public Policy
- Philosophy and Technology
- Philosophy and Culture
- Philosophy and Education
- Philosophy and Peace Studies
- Comparative Philosophy
- Linguistics, Language and Philosophy

Key Information

Venue & Location:
The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, UK

Conference Dates:
Friday, July 05, 2019 to Saturday, July 06, 2019

Early Bird Abstract Submission Deadline:
February 22, 2019

Final Abstract Submission Deadline:
April 23, 2019

Results of abstract review returned to authors:
Usually within three weeks

Full conference registration fees due for all presenters:
May 24, 2019

Full conference paper submission (after the event):
August 06, 2019

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