
Call for Papers

Theme: Transformative Connections
Type: 2019 Environmental Justice Conference (EJ 2019)
Institution: Global Environmental Justice Group, University of East
Anglia (UEA)
Location: Norwich (United Kingdom)
Date: 2.–4.7.2019
Deadline: 31.1.2019


The 2019 Environmental Justice Conference (EJ 2019) is hosted by
UEA’s Global Environmental Justice group, with support from
colleagues on our advisory board. The primary focus of the conference
is connections between environmental justice and transformations to
sustainability, with three main conference themes relating to
connections across scales, movements and worldviews.

Environmental justice research has made its key contributions to
knowledge through the analysis of connections. The phenomenon of
environmental justice is itself an intersection between a movement
and an academic field of inquiry, whilst its primary analytical focus
is the connection between social and environmental inequalities.
Understanding connections across multiple dimensions of harm and
discrimination has been fundamental to revealing the roots of
environmental injustices and to building movements to counter these.
Issues of distribution are routinely intertwined with matters of
procedure and recognition; economic forces of discrimination
systematically go hand in hand with discursive forces; intersections
exist between divisions based on class, race, work, species, and
gender; local or current analysis of injustice can generally be
enriched through global or historical analysis; and environmental
activism increasingly spreads across a multitude of connecting
issues, including food, water, energy, natural resources, transport,
or waste.

Such deep connections are also appearing in research into
transformations to sustainability. For example, research into the
characteristics of transformational change is beginning to theorise
its multi-dimensional, multi-scalar and intersectional attributes.
This includes academic-activist movements that oppose current
developmentalist orthodoxies whilst also envisioning just transitions
into alternative futures that cut across economic, cultural,
political and ecological spheres. EJ 2019 will explore recent
advances in the understanding of key intersections and will consider
how these contribute to the current debates about ‘transformation to
sustainability’. How can these directions in environmental justice
scholarship inform debates about transformations? How does the
pursuit of environmental justice help to bring about just
transformations to sustainability? Does a focus on sustainability
pose problems for environmental justice movements? The conference
will explore three connective themes that are central to the agendas
of both environmental justice and transformations to sustainability:

- Connecting Scales:
The globalisation of environmental justice analysis has been driven
by the physical and human scales of environmental issues, including
the political, cultural and economic mechanisms that produce unequal
exposure to harms and access to benefits. EJ 2019 will explore new
understanding of the connections between scales, for example through
work drawing on telecoupling and environmental history or on the
temporal and spatial characteristics of movements for transformations
to sustainability.

- Connecting Movements:
High profile environmental justice protests such as Standing Rock
have revealed deep-seated connections between movements focused on
the environment, gender, race, indigeneity, labour, peace and so on.
EJ 2019 seeks to develop more dynamic understandings of
discrimination through work that examines the intersections of social
chasms such as gender, race, species and class and, by doing so,
reveals a more critical agenda for just transformations to

- Connecting Worldviews:
Environmental justice is fairly unique in being both a social
movement and an academic field of enquiry, often producing knowledge
through connected academic and activist inquiry. At the same time,
unequal encounters between different types and sources of knowledge
are themselves viewed as mechanisms for injustice. EJ 2019 welcomes
research that connects academic and activist knowledge production
through transdisciplinary approaches, as well as research that serves
to counter hegemonic discourse, for example through decolonising
environmental discourse and facilitating multi-worldview dialogues
about alternative futures and just transitions towards them.


We welcome proposals for sessions and are open to suggestions as to
what format these take, including talks, panel discussion,
roundtables or workshop events. We are also calling for submission of
abstracts for presentations.

The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2019. Submissions will be
reviewed by the scientific advisory board with results communicated
by 28 February 2019. Registration for the conference will open on 1
March 2019.

We would be delighted if you submit a session proposal or abstract:


Global Environmental Justice Group Conference Team
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Norwich, NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
Email: gej.gr...@uea.ac.uk
Web: http://www.uea.ac.uk/global-environmental-justice/conference-2019


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