
Call for Papers

Theme: Multicultural Philosophies of Technology
Type: Special Track of the 21st SPT Conference
Institution: Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT)
   Texas A&M University
Location: College Station, TX (USA)
Date: 20.–22.5.2019
Deadline: 1.12.2018


In Taking Back Philosophy: A Multicultural Manifesto (2017), Bryan W.
Van Norden argues that Philosophy, as an academic discipline, is in
urgent need of diversification not least because we are living in an
increasingly multicultural world, and also because the knowledge and
ideas from non-Western philosophies may help to advance the
discipline. Given the global ​nature of technology, Van Norden’s call
for diversity in Philosophy (and, for philosophising) is even more
pressing to Philosophy of Technology.

Research and development of technology often involve multiple parties
from different parts of the world, and technological products and
devices are similarly bought and used by people from around the
world. Multicultural understanding therefore is useful not only to
facilitate research and development of technologies in multicultural
contexts, but it is also essential for evaluating the social,
ethical, and political impacts of technologies in those contexts.
There are early and late attempts to demonstrate potential
contributions of non-Western philosophies to the philosophical and
ethical analysis of technology by comparing and contrasting Western
and non-Western philosophies (see, e.g. important works by Charles
Ess, Rafael Capurro), or to draw resources from non-Western
philosophies in developing and defending specific approaches of
analysis (see, e.g. Shannon Vallor’s ​Technology and the Virtues​ and
Michel Puech’s ​Ethics of Ordinary Technology​). There are, however,
few attempts to offer a more critical reflection of non-Western
philosophies’ significance in the philosophical and ethical analysis
of technology, or to propose systematic frameworks for analysis based
on non-Western philosophies.

The Special Track: ​Multicultural Philosophies of Technology​ aims to
expand Philosophy of Technology by inviting researchers to examine
the relevance and importance of non-Western philosophies to the
analysis of technology. We invite papers by authors working to

- Introduce major concepts and/or the works of prominent thinkers in
non-Western philosophies (e.g. Chinese philosophy, Japanese
philosophy, African philosophy, Islamic philosophy, etc.), and
investigate their imports to the analysis of technology; or,

- Explore the conceptualisation(s) of ‘technology’ and related ideas
in non-Western philosophies, and/or their understanding(s) of
human-(nature-)technology relations; or,

- Discuss more broadly the arguments for or against the project of
Multicultural Philosophies of Technology and about the future of
Multicultural Philosophies of Technology (e.g. the possibility of
convergence of different philosophical traditions, etc.).

For further information, please contact:

300-word abstracts for individual papers should be submitted by Dec 1
at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=spt2019​

Please make sure to mention ​at the top of the page that the paper is
for the special track “[Name of Track]”.

- December 1st 2018: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
- February 1st, 2019: Expected notification of acceptance
- May 20th-22th, 2019: Conference dates

Track Chairs:
Pak-Hang Wong, Tom Wang, Qin Zhu

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