
Call for Publications

Theme: Indigenous Emancipation
Subtitle: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and
Publication: Social Inclusion
Date: Vol. 11, Issue 2
Deadline: 15.6.2022


According to the United Nations, Indigenous peoples are the
inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating
collectively and to the environment. Indigenous peoples have retained
social, cultural, economic, and political characteristics that are
uniquely different from those of the dominant society. Yet despite
their cultural differences, Indigenous peoples from around the world
share common concerns and obstacles in the protection of their rights
as distinct peoples. As a result, they have sought recognition of
their identities, way of life, and their right to traditional lands,
territories, and natural resources for many years.

Throughout history, however, Indigenous peoples’ rights have always
been violated. Today, they are arguably among the most disadvantaged
and vulnerable groups of people in the world. In response, the
international community is tentatively recognising that special
measures are required to protect Indigenous rights and maintain
distinct cultures and ways of life. Yet neoliberal-endorsed/inspired
acts of travesty against Indigenous groups have emanated from illegal
deforestation, land clearances, mining, and the desecration of sacred
sites (as in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Brazil), the
confiscation of lands either by deception or force (in the US and New
Zealand), and the inculcation of “white” norms and values of the
dominant “social” configurations of the “civilized” Western
(minority) World (epitomised by the Residential Schools in Canada,
1880s–1996, and Missions in Australia 1820–1987).

Despairingly, such practices continue in a relatively unabated manner
and, in the midst of all this violation, Indigenous women are
particularly vulnerable. So too are Indigenous youth who are
disproportionately impacted by a lack of access to education,
employment opportunities, decision making processes, and, above all,
access to justice. Indeed, the semi-autonomous status and/or social
exclusion of Indigenous communities has led to inadequate mechanisms
to address gender-based violence, which tends to be higher than
national averages in many countries, whereas Indigenous youths are
significantly overrepresented in judicial sentencing statistics and
youth suicides.

This call for papers is asking for transnational and
transdisciplinary studies/expressions of lived experiences facing
Indigenous peoples across the globe. Accounts may range from the
results of deforestation, environmental destruction, destruction, and
denial of “homelands,” renouncement of human rights, neoliberal
exploitation, or indiscriminate impoverishment. Similarly, analysis
of the social harms caused by discriminatory incarceration of
Indigenous peoples, prejudicial attitudes toward Indigenous women,
lack of care or respect for disabled Indigenous people, access to
healthcare, and/or the inequity levelled against Indigenous LGBTI+
groups/individuals would also be welcome.

We also encourage authors whose first language is not English to send
in a copy of their manuscript in their Native language, to be made
available through the (In)Justice International website. These
manuscripts will form an informal companion to the official issue
published by Social Inclusion: They will not undergo peer-review and
are exempt from the journal’s article processing fee, but will not be
included in the published volume.

Submission of Abstracts: 1-15 June 2022
Submission of Full Papers: 1-15 November 2022
Publication of the Issue: April/June 2023

Instructions for Authors:

This thematic issue is the result of Social Inclusion’s partnership
with research network (In)Justice International, who is also
available to cover open access publication costs on a case-by-case
basis. To know if you are eligible to have the APC covered by the
network, please contact Simon Prideaux directly:

Corresponding authors affiliated with our institutional members do
not incur this fee. Authors interested in submitting a paper for this
issue are asked to consult the journal's instructions for authors and
submit their abstracts (maximum of 250 words, with a tentative title)
through the abstracts system (here).

Open Access:

The journal has an article publication fee to cover its costs and
guarantee that the article can be accessed free of charge by any
reader, anywhere in the world, regardless of affiliation. We defend
that authors should not have to personally pay this fee and advise
them to check with their institutions if funds are available to cover
open access publication fees. Institutions can also join Cogitatio's
Membership Program at a very affordable rate and enable all
affiliated authors to publish without incurring any fees. For this
thematic issue, (In)Justice International will also be available to
cover open access publication costs on a case-by-case basis.

Further information about the journal's open access charges and
institutional members can be found here:


Grace O’Brien
Queensland University of Technology

Pey-Chun Pan
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Simon Prideaux
(In)Justice International) as part of the (In)Justice International

For more information, please contact Simon Prideaux:

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