'Earth System Governance: People, Places, and the Planet'
2009 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Amsterdam, 2-4 December 2009

We invite you to the 2009 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of 
Global Environmental Change, to be held 2-4 December 2009. This conference will 
be the ninth event in the series of annual European Conferences on the Human 
Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, begun in Berlin in 2001.

This year's conference will also be the global launch event of the Earth System 
Governance Project, a new ten-year research programme under the auspices of the 
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP).

The conference is hosted jointly by the Institute for Environmental Studies at 
the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Netherlands Research School for 
Socio-economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE), in co-operation 
with their partner institutions: the European Cooperation in Science and 
Technology (COST) Action on Transformation of Global Environmental Governance; 
GLOGOV.ORG--The Global Governance Project; the Institute for Global 
Environmental Strategies, Japan; the Netherlands Environmental Assessment 
Agency; the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; the Stockholm 
Resilience Centre; and the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Deadline for paper abstracts:  15 May 2009 Notification of acceptance:  15 July 
Full papers due:   15 November 2009

The Earth System Governance Project seeks to analyse the interrelated and 
increasingly integrated system of formal and informal rules, rule-making 
systems, and actor-networks at all levels of human society (from local to 
global) that are set up to steer societies towards preventing, mitigating, and 
adapting to global and local environmental change and earth system 
transformation. The notion of earth system governance describes an emerging 
social phenomenon - expressed in hundreds of international regimes, 
bureaucracies, national agencies, activists groups and expert networks - that 
engages numerous actors, institutions and networks at local and global levels. 
At the same time, earth system governance is a demanding and vital subject of 
research in the social sciences, which we hope will be reflected in lively 
discussions at the 2009 Amsterdam Conference.

The Earth System Governance Project also reflects recent developments within 
the Earth System Science Partnership, which unites the World Climate Research 
Programme, the International Biosphere-Geosphere Programme, the DIVERSITAS 
programme, and the IHDP. The mission statement of the Earth System Science 
Partnership calls upon social scientists to develop "strategies for earth 
system management". Yet what such strategies might be, and how such strategies 
are to be developed, remains poorly understood in the social sciences.

The challenge of earth system governance raises numerous theoretical, 
methodological and empirical questions, many of which are elaborated upon in 
detail in the new Science and Implementation Plan of the IHDP Earth System 
Governance Project (

The 2009 Amsterdam Conference is organised around the five core analytical 
problems identified in this science plan:

1. Architectures of Earth System Governance. We invite papers on the emergence, 
design and effectiveness of governance systems and the overall integration of 
global, regional, national and local governance. Core questions include: How is 
performance of environmental institutions affected by their embedding in larger 
architectures? What are the environmental consequences of non-environmental 
governance systems? What is the relative performance of different types of 
multilevel governance architectures? How can we explain instances of 
'non-governance'? What are overarching and crosscutting norms of earth system 

2. Agency in Earth System Governance. We invite papers that advance 
understanding of the actors and agents that drive earth system governance and 
the ways in which authority is granted to them and how it is exercised. We 
welcome papers on the influence, roles and responsibilities of both state 
actors and non-state actors, such as business and non-profit organisations. 
Core questions are: What is agency in earth system governance, and who are the 
agents? How do different agents exercise agency in earth system governance, and 
how can we evaluate their relevance?

3. Adaptiveness of Earth System Governance. We invite papers on the 
adaptiveness of earth system governance, a theme that includes here related 
concepts such as adaptation, adaptive management, resilience, or vulnerability. 
What are the politics of adaptiveness? Which governance processes foster it? 
What attributes of governance systems enhance capacities to adapt? How, when 
and why does adaptiveness influence earth system governance?

4. Accountability and Legitimacy in Earth System Governance. We invite papers 
on the accountability and legitimacy of earth system governance. What are the 
sources of accountability and legitimacy in earth system governance? What are 
the effects of different forms and degrees of accountability and legitimacy for 
the performance of governance systems? How can mechanisms of transparency 
ensure accountable and legitimate earth system governance? What institutional 
designs can produce the accountability and legitimacy of earth system 
governance in a way that guarantees balances of interests and perspectives?

5. Allocation and Access in Earth System Governance. Earth system governance 
is, as is any political activity, about the distribution of material and 
immaterial resources and values. It is, in essence, a conflict about the access 
to goods and about their allocation - it is about justice, fairness, and 
equity. But how can we reach interdisciplinary conceptualisations and 
definitions of allocation and access? What (overarching) principles underlie 
allocation and access? How can allocation be reconciled with governance 

6. Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Earth System Governance. 
Finally, we invite papers that cut across these five analytical themes by 
focusing on the theoretical and methodological foundations of earth system 
governance. Central crosscutting themes identified in the science plan of the 
Earth System Governance Project are the roles of power, knowledge, norms, and 
scale. We also invite papers that analyse the theoretical foundations and 
implications of new ways of thinking about governance and earth system 
transformation, including concepts such as global environmental politics, 
sustainable development, earth system management, or earth system governance, 
and the extent to which they are related and to which they differ. Moreover, we 
invite papers that seek to identify and further develop the appropriate methods 
to study earth system governance, including papers that study options for 
integrating social science-based work with study programmes grounded in the 
natural sciences, including computer-based modelling and scenario work.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically by 15 May 2009 and not exceed 450 
words. All abstracts will be evaluated in double-blind peer-review by at least 
four experts from the conference review panel. Details on abstract submission 
and more information are available at our conference website

More information on the IHDP Earth System Governance Project, including its new 
Science and Implementation Plan for download, can be found at

We look forward to welcoming you to the Netherlands in December 2009!

On behalf of all co-hosts and sponsors:

Frank Biermann
Chair, Earth System Governance Project
E-mail: ac2009 [at]

Conference Secretariat:  ac2009 [at]
Conference website:

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