At any moment, a frame is either in the scratchpad area (Mod1+Space) or not. 
I would like to have a single key which commutes between the two states. It 
would do this action:

- If the scratchpad is open, then move the current frame (inside the 
scratchpad) to the window below the scratchpad. Don't close the scratchpad
- If the scratchpad is not open, then move the current frame to the scratchpad. 
Don't open the scratchpad

  In both cases, that key would make a frame quickly „disappear“. A single key 
works for both actions
  A use case is: When moving TO scratchpad, you're asking the frame to go away 
because you have to work with more important frames. At the scratchpad you find 
always the unimportant frames. Pressing that same key again you can place them 
back in the main area.

  I haven't succeeded in coding it (actually I found ion3 very complex to grasp 
and extend). How can this function be programmed?



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